Save the Date!! Book fair coming to B-UMS January 23-27th!
almost 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Save the Date!
2022 Christmas Holiday Meal Baskets from the Upshur Parish House.
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Christmas Boxes
B-UMS Families- December 8th from 5-7pm Parents will view the documentary film “Screenagers”- a film about screens in school, video games, social media, and risk of addiction. Students will participate in a coding activity while the parents watch the film. After the film students will show the parents how they have programmed spheros to complete an obstacle course, pizza will be served. Please join us at B-UMS for the learning event for Parents and students!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
Join us on December 8th from 5:00-7:00 for Screens, Teens, and Coding Things!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Screens Teens and Coding Things
B-UMS 8th Grade Families-Thursday, November 17th 3:30-5:30pm is our 8th grade Family Evening. This is an opportunity to meet with teachers and have fun with your student. Permission slips to stay after school will go home with your student today. There is limited bus transportation home for students. Concession food will be available for purchase.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
After school Bus Route
Thank you to the following agencies for participating in the first B-UMS Fall Festival on October 29, 2022. The agencies that participated include; Mountain Cap of WV, WV Prevention Solutions, Project ISAAC , Christmas Store, First Choice Services, Strawberry Festival, Stockert Youth Center, Parish House, and Community Care of WV. Thank you for your support!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Community Agencies at B-UMS Fall Fest
Community Agencies at B-UMS Fall Fest
8th Grade Home Economics students are working on a Crime Scene Kitchen project! Students analyzed the kitchen to determine what ingredients were used and then try to recreate the recipe. Stay tuned next week for more photos!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
crime scene kitchen
crime scene kitchen
Please join us at B-UMS for our Fall Festival on October 29th from 10-2!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Fall Festival
The week of October 24-28th, Students at B-UMS are welcomed to participate in Spirit days to celebrate Red Ribbon Week! By participating in these days, students will help their grade earn spirit points towards winning the spirit stick at Friday's spirit rally. Monday - Wear Red for Really Excellent Decisions Day Tuesday - Sports Mom or BBQ Dad Day Wednesday - Anything But a Backpack Day Thursday - Costume Day (school appropriate, of course, no weapons - including anything plastic, no full-face masks) Friday - B-U Blue and White and/or B-U a Buccaneer (dress like a buccaneer or wear blue and white, or both)
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Spirit week!
PTO meeting at B-UMS Monday October 24, 2022 at 3:45pm in the Cafeteria! See you there!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
PTO meeting Date
Students in Ms. Peters’s Agriculture Classes finished up their wildlife and natural resources unit by meeting with guest speaker, Mr. Kevin Gregory, owner and operator of Eagle Land Transformations, LLC. Mr. Gregory spoke about his time serving in the US Army, and his passion for creating/improving natural environments to help native wildlife species flourish. He also made students aware of available resources through agencies such as the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. Ms. Peters and her students want to thank you again for spending the day with them!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Mrs. Peter's Class visitor
Please join us October 29 for our B-UMS Fall Festival!
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Fall Festival Oct 29
B-UMS This is a reminder that B-UMS students do not have school Monday, October 10th. This is for B-UMS students only.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
B-UMS Tonight, Wednesday October 5th from 4:00-6:00PM is our Family Parent Conferences. We look forward to seeing you!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
B-UMS is participating in the 5th Anniversary Canned Soup Drive. B-UMS’s goal is to have 400 cans of soup donated. All donations will be matched can for can by Kelly Tierney, State Farm Agent! Grade levels will be competing on who can bring in the most canned soup! This will be a category in the October Spirit Rally Spirit Stick winner! We prefer soups, ravioli, ramen noodles, etc., any canned food that can provide a complete meal. Thank you and let’s start bringing those soups in for a Souper October!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
Soup Poster
B-UMS Family Nights This year we are trying something different, we want to welcome our families to B-UMS for frequent opportunities to meet with teachers. Each grade will have a specific day for families to meet with teachers. While families are meeting with teachers, there will be activities in the gym and cafeteria for students! 6th GRADE ONLY: 9/28 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m. ALL GRADES: 10/5: Family/Teacher Conferences from 4:00p.m.- 6:00p.m. **No activities for students on this date** 7th GRADE ONLY: 10/ 27 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m. 8th GRADE ONLY: 11/17 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
Please join us for the 2022 B-UMS Fall Festival on October 29, 2022 from 10:00- 2:00
about 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Fall Festival
B-UMS Family Nights! This year we are trying something different, we want to welcome our families to B-UMS for frequent opportunities to meet with teachers. Each grade will have a specific day for families to meet with teachers. While families are meeting with teachers, there will be activities in the gym and cafeteria for students! Student activities include, Dancing, Dodgeball, karaoke and more! Limit transportation home is available at 5:30pm for students if families are unable to attend or pick their child up. Please look at the attached bus route schedule. 6th GRADE ONLY: 9/28 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m. ALL GRADES: 10/5: Family/Teacher Conferences from 4:00p.m.- 6:00p.m. **No activities for students on this date** 7th GRADE ONLY: 10/ 27 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m. 8th GRADE ONLY: 11/17 from 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Leput
Activities Bus Routes
Activities Bus Routes
B-U Middle School's Student Services Team provides suicide awareness and prevention throughout the school year. Check out the flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Jame's Law
B-UMS Families, if you have not already, please complete the student emergency card information. It is extremely important that we have your up-to-date information.
over 2 years ago, Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Important Notice