❗️Softball Announcement🥎❗️ There will be a B-UMS Softball Flex Practice tomorrow, January 11 from 12:30-3:00 in the gymnasium. You must have a completed physical and clean gym shoes to participate. Please email Coach Sarah Kesling for any questions.

Updated B-UMS Menu for January

Let's Measure the Snow!

Jan 10th 2025 Upshur County Schools will be NTID. For individuals using rooms from a laptop, you can access the site by visiting edurooms.com. Please make sure that students click the "sign on with Microsoft" button to log in to this site.
If a student does not click the "Sign in with Microsoft" button, they may encounter an error message indicating that their username and/or password are incorrect.

1.9.25 will be a Non-Traditional Instructional Day for all Upshur County Schools.

Snow Day 1.7.25

Upshur County Schools-Snow Day, Tuesday January, 7th 2025.

Snow day, 1.6.25

❗️Softball Announcement❗️There will be no B-UMS softball practice tomorrow, December 23.

B-UMS Holiday Basketball Tournament Schedule 🏀🏴☠️

❗️Attention Softball Players❗️🥎🏴☠️

Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School
Winter Band Concert
Monday, December 16th, 2024
6 PM @ B-UMS Gymnasium
Come out and listen to our spin on the traditional themes of the season.

❗️This Week in B-UMS Athletics❗️🏴☠️

B-UMS's own Braylea Squires was honored last night in Charleston for earning the WVSSAC Middle School Female Athlete Academic Achievement Award! She is the first ever Upshur County recipient of this award at any level. Congratulations and thank you for being a great example for student-athletes at B-UMS and across the state!

Two hour delay for Upshur County Schools 12.12.24

❗️This Week in B-UMS Athletics❗️ 🏀⛹️♀️⛹️♂️🤼🤼♀️🏴☠️

Friday December 6th is now a Non-Traditional Instructional day.

Two hour delay for Upshur County Schools. 12.6.24

Update- School is closed December 5th, 2024

2 hour delay Thursday December 5th. Stay warm!