Students! Please remember testing starts Monday! Please make sure your iPad is fully charged and if you have headphones that will plug into the iPad to bring them. Remote students please be at the school by 8:00 am each day of testing. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday testing should be completed by 11:00. 8th grade students the science test is on the 17th you should report by 8:00 am and should be complete by approximately 9:00. Thank you and have a wonderful evening!

Hello BUMS families! The West Virginia State Test will be administered at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School on May 10th, 11th, and 13th. Students in 8th Grade students will be required to complete an additional test on Monday, May 17th also. Please bring your iPads fully charged and be ready to do your best on the test! Students are welcomed and encouraged to bring a pair of headphones from home that plug into the iPad (no Bluetooth devices please). Students who are full time remote will be testing on these same days and will test in their 5th period classes.

Attention: Important dates!
**WV General State Assessment will be held on 5/10, 5/11, 5/13 with 8th grade having an additional day on 5/17. Testing will begin at 8:00 and will end approximately 11:00 on 5/10, 5/11, and 5/13. Testing will begin at 8:00 and will end at approximately 9:30. All full-time remote students will test with their 5th period teacher. Please be at the school by 8:00.
**Incoming 6th and 9th grade student tours will take place on 5/26/21. More information will be forthcoming. Please join our schools for a day of fun.
**8th grade graduation will occur on 5/27. More information will be forthcoming. Please join us in honoring your graduating 8th grader.

Please come and support B-UMS Baseball! on May 1st!

Hunter Education Courses will be held on April 26,27,28 at the Buckhannon VFW from 6:00-9:30pm

8th Grade remote and WV Learns students, the counselors at BUMS will be hosting an event on April 20th 5:00-6:00 pm to assist with scheduling your classes for the high school next year.

Attention 8th graders: The mission of Fred W. Eberle Technical Center is to produce generations of knowledgeable, skillful, and productive professionals that will lead the way into the future." FETC provides career training to prepare you for a job after high school, or to help you further your career. Incoming freshmen and sophomores, along with their guardians are welcome to join us for an informational night. Come out and meet our faculty as they explain their programs offered at FETC. Programs include: Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Collision Repair, Computer Systems Repair, CISCO Networking Academy, Cosmetology, Diesel Technology, Electrical Technology, Therapeutic Services, and Welding Technology. This is the perfect night to discover programs and ask questions as you plan for your high school career. We will gather on Monday, April 19 at Fred Eberle Technical Center, 208 Morton Ave. Buckhannon, WV 26201 from 5:30-7:30 pm. It is best to come for the two hours to ensure time for each program. Contact Denice Jeran, B-UHS School Improvement Specialist at djeran@k12.wv.us for more information.
Please visit https://tinyurl.com/FETC21

Good morning B-UMS Families! This is a friendly reminder to complete the survey (first sent March 19th) about the learning opportunity that we are offering our students this summer. Our project-based summer session is open to all current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. Our current 8th graders have the opportunity to attend a learning academy at BUHS (contact BUHS for more information). Please complete this survey by Friday, April 9th at 4pm if you are interested in your student attending B-UMS’s summer learning session. Thank you!

Announcing the 2021 County Government Essay Contest!
There will be monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Student Winners. Please visit the website below for more information about this opportunity!

BUHS would like to welcome our 8th grade students and their families to a CTE informational night. Faculty and students will explain the programs that are available including STEM, Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Hospitality and Tourism, etc. This is the perfect night to learn about the programs and ask questions!

Laura Meadows, Executive Director of the Upshur County Convention and Visitors Bureau, visited Ms. McCann’s English classes today to explain how states bring in money and promote tourism. Students were assigned a state and are currently working on a research project. The project will conclude with the students creating promotional videos in iMovie outlining state parks and attractions in their assigned state.

Happy Friday, families! We have some great news to share: this summer we will be offering a summer learning session for our students. Students will be involved in hands-on, project-based learning that will get them up and moving! Please complete the form below if you are interested in participating. Sorry for the previous message there was an error with the link.

Students who are full time remote, your ELA teachers will be completing their classroom Spelling Bees next week in class. Contact your ELA teacher if you wish to participate. Our school wide spelling bee will be 3/23 for those who have qualified.

Golden Horseshoe will be held for 8th grade students who are full time remote on Thursday, March 18th. Please report to the school by 8:00am. Students will be ready for parent pick up by 9:15. Make sure to bring your iPad fully charged and report to the library.

Track sign ups will be held March 11th and 12th only. Please contact Mrs.Hyre at 304-472-1520 ext 3136!

T-shirt sales! Orders are due March 30th!

BUMS 8th graders - please take a few minutes to complete the Empowerment Academy survey on Schoology. It is important that you participate.

Softball meeting next Wednesday March 3rd @ 6:30 in the cafeteria for any girl interested in playing softball- parents are to attend too.

BUMS families- A great fun learning activity will be starting at our school. Check out Schoology ( IDEA Lab) and/signs through the school for all the information about Digital Learning Day. It is open to all students from Feb 25 to March 8. Great prizes too!

BUMS families - All of us at the middle school love and care about your children. We know you love them also. So, PLEASE, use only the parking lot by the gym for morning drop off and after school pick up. It is for the safety and well-being of the students.